Saturday, July 8, 2017

One Year today

I wouldn't have posted this photo a year ago- me at one of my most vulnerable moments in my fight against breast cancer.
but today it represents how far I've come in the past year.  4 surgeries, countless appointments with my plastic surgeon for "fills" and follow ups with my oncologist and breast surgeon.  I've been cut, poked and prodded, have smiled and have cried.  I've had ups and downs but for the most part, today, I'm okay with what's left on my chest.  It's not the real me and I do still mourn what's gone.

But today I choose to celebrate!  This is the day I was declared NED- no evidence of disease.  When I really became a survivor.
I wore this shirt for the first time in a long time today:

It's strange because everyone I meet now (here in TX) doesn't know my story, which is kind of nice.  Although I'm afraid they think that this hairstyle is a choice LOL  (it's at a really awkward length right now). 

Hug your friends and family today and don't forget to check those boobies!

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