Sunday, February 7, 2016

Chemo is no joke

I'm not gonna lie, the last 2 days were pretty rough.  My bones ached, my head hurt, I felt like I was coming down with something, I was nauseated and the strangest thing, my "bad knee" (that I had surgery on when I was 15) was killing me.  I've been sleeping really poorly too, waking up every couple hours or more, even with the help of Ambien.

Luckily I woke up feeling much better today.  I haven't had to take any pain meds or anti-nausea drugs, I'm not bone-tired and I feel almost normal.  My chest is finally feeling a bit better after the port placement surgery.  I think I'm hitting an upswing.

So far my hair is still hanging in there, but the nurse said it'll be falling out within 2 weeks.  We'll see when it actually gets bad enough that I feel the need to shave it.  I've had a few people tell me that their friend's neighbor's daughter's cousin's teacher's aunt didn't lose their hair during chemo, but I'm ready to go ahead and bid mine goodbye when it's time.  At this point, I really dislike this haircut anyway, so although I won't be happy to see it go, I won't be as sad had I not cut it this short LOL  

I have my next appointment on Wed, when they'll take blood and see how my white blood cells are doing.  Hopefully they look good and all will be ready for my next chemo appt on Feb 23rd.  I'm hoping I just start feeling stronger and stronger until then!

1 comment:

  1. we shaved mom today...another milestone on this journey!Hope you continue to feel better!
